Embracing the Power of Solo Travel  

The Profound Impact of Solo Travel.

My toxic trait is that there is rarely something I think I can't do once I set my mind to it, and solo travel is completely to blame. There’s something about knowing that you can handle yourself in another country you have never been before, with a new culture and language, to instill strength in yourself for every aspect of life. When I have a new presentation that I’m nervous about I remind myself that I once presented at an NGO in Mozambique three months after learning Portuguese. When I’m self-conscious about walking alone in my new town I remind myself, hey you survived sleeping in the Amazon for a week. You got this! After ten years of solo traveling, the confidence I have gained can be seen in every aspect of my life.

Of course, I still have moments of self-doubt. But my memories from traveling are a gentle reminder that I can handle anything that life throws my way. Below are examples of how solo travel has impacted me in a positive way.

Impact of Solo Travel on Decision-Making Autonomy and Self-Reliance: 

When traveling alone every decision comes down to you. From choosing the destination and itinerary, to deciding where to eat. In addition, while solo traveling there will be a multitude of situations that require quick thinking and enhanced problem-solving skills. With each decision you make you learn to rely on yourself, trust your judgment and take ownership of your experience. Traveling alone eliminates the possibility of the decision making falling to someone else, and provides opportunities to become adept at finding solutions independently. Overcoming each obstacle successfully and managing solo travel experiences reinforces a sense of personal capability and self-assurance. 

Overcoming Fears Through Solo Travel: 

Traveling solo typically involves stepping out of your comfort zone and facing your fears. Whether those fears are being alone, a language barrier, safety, or being homesick. Solo traveling gives you the opportunity to face these fears head on. Once these fears have been tackled and you learn that you have the ability to thrive in a new environment, your newfound resilience will positively impact challenges in other areas of life. 

Broadened Perspective on the World and Oneself Through Solo Travel 

Solo travel exposes individuals to diverse cultures, lifestyles and perspectives. When traveling alone you often are more mindful and present in the moment and have more opportunities to interact with those from the local culture. Through interactions with people from different backgrounds, solo travelers gain a better understanding of the world and people in it. This inevitably makes you more open-minded, acceptive and appreciative of cultural differences. This expanded worldview contributes to personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself in relation to the world at large. Being away from familiar environments and routines also allows solo-travelers to introspect, understand their values, priorities, and passions. It provides a space for personal growth as you gain a deeper understanding of yourself. I’ve learned that my way of thinking is influenced by the culture that raised me. Just because that’s how I do something doesn’t make it right, or the only way! It has encouraged me to think outside of the box. 

Sense of accomplishment: 

There is nothing like the feeling you get when completing a solo trip. Successfully completing a solo trip instills a sense of accomplishment and pride. Solo travelers often return home with a heightened sense of self-esteem and confidence, knowing that they were able to plan, and enjoy a journey entirely on their own. This new sense of accomplishment can be used as a powerful motivator to pursue further personal and professional goals. Many times inspiration for projects that I have completed, have come through traveling. 

Solo travel has helped me grow and evolve in remarkable ways.


How to Make Friends While Solo-Traveling